Real Life Winners: Kids telling their own stories

Opublikowano: lis 4, 2019

Kategorie: Prezentacje i recenzje

The kids in the stories presented in this workshop may not win prizes, money or awards, yet they are winners. With stunning photographic support , the main character recounts their everyday life. Furthermore, the Real Life series involves global awareness, critical thinking, problem solving and collaboration! And that’s just to mention a few of the possibilities these readers contain.

Na przykładzie następujących lektur non-fiction: Naoko: My Japan, Discover Sri Lanka with Us!, Doruk's Cats, My Bolivia!, Nyangoma’s Story - A Child’s Life in Uganda, Juanita and her Alpaca, My Name is Ça Depend, Allan: My Vancouver z serii Young ELI Readers i Teen ELI Readers.